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The Banque de France & ProsperUs experimentation of cross border CBDC
ProsperUs has successfully delivered its prototype of cross-border transfer using CBDC technology (Central Bank Digital Currency) The prototype was used by the Banque de France as part of its experiments on the CBDC. This experiment in particular was carried out in collaboration with the Central Bank of Tunisia, Thus, highlighting the collaboration of two central banks on the subject of the CBDC. The experiment made it possible to transfer an amount in Euros from a person in France to a person in Tunisia, thus making Tunisia the first country in the world outside the Euro zone to benefit from the advantages of this new Digital Euro technology. And to confirm its status as a pioneer in innovation in partnership with leading European institutions. Each year millions of euros are transferred from Europe to Tunisia and in particular from France to Tunisia, and the use of these new channels will make these transfers faster, simpler and less expensive. Thanks to its technology, ProsperUs was able to set up a reliable, secure and instantaneous transmission channel between financial institutions in France and financial institutions in Tunisia. The coordination between the participants in the experiment and the orchestration of the operations carried out by these different institutions to carry out these transactions was made possible thanks to the distributed ledger technology (DLT or blockchain) which made it possible to keep the state of the ledgers. and the different systems of the different participants in perfect synchronization and sharing a reliable state and a shared, certain, and verifiable "version of reality". DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) or Blockchain technologies will revolutionize economic exchanges around the world and in particular cross-border money transfers. ProsperUs, which works to facilitate the exchange of value through these technologies, confirms its status as a pioneer and leader in this field. ProsperUs focuses on this mission with the objective of promoting economic development and working for the prosperity and improvement of the daily life of thousands or even millions of people. For more information on the experiment, you can read in full the Banque de France press release at this link .
La Banque de France et ProsperUs expérimentation sur la MNBC (CBDC)
ProsperUs a délivré avec succès son prototype de transfert transfrontalier utilisant la technologie CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency, ou MNBC pour Monnaie Numérique de Banque Centrale) Le prototype a été utilisé par la Banque de France dans le cadre de ses expérimentations sur la CBDC. Cette expérimentation en particulier a été effectuée en collaboration avec la Banque Centrale de Tunisie mettant ainsi en avant la collaboration de deux banques centrales sur le sujet de la CBDC. L'expérimentation a permis de transférer un montant en Euros d'une personne en France à une personne en Tunisie, faisant ainsi de la Tunisie le premier pays du monde hors zone Euro à bénéficier de l'intérêt de cette nouvelle technologie d'Euro Digital et de confirmer son statut de pionnier dans l'innovation en partenariat avec des institutions européennes de premier plan. Chaque année des millions d'euros sont transférés de l'Europe vers la Tunisie et en particulier de la France vers la Tunisie, et l'utilisation de ces nouveaux canaux permettra de rendre ces transferts plus rapides, plus simples et moins coûteux. Grâce à sa technologie, ProsperUs a pu mettre en place une voie de transmission fiable, sécurisée et instantanée entre des institutions financières en France et des institutions financières en Tunisie. La coordination entre les acteurs participants de l'expérimentation et l'orchestration des opérations effectuées par ces différentes institutions pour réaliser ces transactions a été permise grâce à la technologie de registre distribué (DLT ou blockchain) qui a permis de tenir l'état des registres et des différents systèmes des différents participants en parfaite synchronisation et en partageant un état fiable et une "version de la réalité" partagée, certaine, et vérifiable. Les technologies de DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) ou Blockchain vont révolutionner les échanges économiques dans le monde et en particulier les transferts d'argent transfrontaliers. ProsperUs qui œuvre à faciliter les échanges de valeur par le biais de ces technologies confirme son statut de pionnier et de leader dans ce domaine. ProsperUs se focalise sur cette mission dans l'objectif de favoriser le développement économique et œuvrer pour la prospérité et l'amélioration du quotidien de milliers voire des millions de personnes. Pour plus d'informations sur l'expérimentation vous pouvez consulter le communiqué de presse de la Banque de France sur ce lien .
How token-based Microfinance can benefit small businesses
Microfinance companies help fund businesses in developing countries, but it’s not without its drawbacks: businesses typically pay more in interest for loans allocated in this manner, digital assets can offer a more transparent, frictionless, and trust-based alternative, particularly when combined with social credit, in which participants who earn and maintain trust are more likely to be allocated capital by lenders. In the tokenization sphere, microfinance assumes a number of forms, but at its core, it revolves around funding community-backed borrowers, who have demonstrated that they are of good character and sound business model. Business owners who pass these tests with flying colors can unlock capital in the form of tokens, coins, crypto currencies or other digital assets, with lenders receiving monthly interest payments in return. This system effectively bypasses banks altogether, which are no longer the gatekeepers that decide which businesses flourish and which are left to die. The infrastructure finance gap has long-standing implications for economic and social development. Owing to low efficiency, high transaction costs, and long transaction time, conventional infrastructure financing instruments are considered to be major contributors to the increasing mismatch between the need for infrastructure development and available financing. We provide a number of crypto-based tools for micrifinance companies to aid the growth small businesses which enables businesses to tokenize illiquid assets, releasing the unrealized value trapped within them, which can then be leveraged to obtain finance. Schedule a free Demo here
Bills the E-Invoicing platform
Why is it the time to move to B ILLS ?
Not only you will Increase your productivity and generate more customers and retaining existing ones. The benefits of using online billing platform became essential to evolve your billing models. Growing your business can seem very difficult, but starting with Prosper-Bill is the efficient way to generate incoming and outgoing invoices and tracking of your business financial information, you can achieve this growth. Most importantly, all of this will have a positive impact on your cash flow. Unfortunately, paper invoices and creating invoices in Excel are not the most efficient. Our billing platform is the way to go. So many businesses resist online invoicing, even though it could save their business. Here are the added benefits to your business: Instant and accessible: Now that working from home is the new norm, continue your financial operation is crucial for your business grow, this means. Spreedsheets can be time consuming. We find it can be time saving to have one template to be filled with the most essential information; Invoice reference, Date, payer and list of services of products provided. Avoiding all repetive processes with Prosper-bill platform. Cloud storage: Another advantage if accessibility is your company and customer’s data is all saved in the cloud integrated storage. Payers and services are listed and ready to be listed in your next invoice creation. Losing paper invoices or files customer data will never have email problems or computer crashes again. Just log into your account and everything you need to start billing your customers is right at your fingertips. User friendly: the payment terms and the preferred payment method are recorded and protected. All you have to do is log into your account, select the customer you want to invoice. You enter the number of hours or products you supplied. Select a due date, click send and the invoice arrives electronically to the customer. Only a minute or two to complete. In short, online invoicing not only speeds up the entire payment process, but it's also incredibly user-friendly. You can set up your account and start billing your customers in minutes with minimal training. We invite you to test B ILLS for your business by signing up for your Free Trial HERE .